The name or path can not contain unicode symbols. This is the name or full path to the proxy library to be loaded second d3d9. This attaches drawing functions to the proxy library. Unless using a separate processor in combination with ENB, this setting should remain as 'false'. This will either enable or disable the use of the proxy. Additionally, you can create a preset in the SMAA. This is similar to 2xAA, 4xAA, etc and each step higher comes with more of a performance loss. SKYRIM - Special Edition #47 : It's Too Dark to Hear Anything The presets are listed above the parameter. Extract the folder to a desired location and in the d3d9 folder do not use the files from the d9d10 folder!!! To change the amount of AA, open the injector. Transparency AA also can be forced in the drivers for those with systems that can handle the extra bang. For users on low-end systems, the ENB's Edge AA is probably the best choice because it comes with almost no performance loss. Project ENB by Bronze If this has not done, please do before continuing! SubPixel Morphological Anti-Aliasing is a fantastic post-processing anti-aliasing method. This section can be extremely subjective and as such STEP suggests to browse around to find the perfect solution of preference. There are ENB and other lighting mods that come in just about every style and color.